Path to isolation 孤寂之途 (Weiss Schnee角色曲)

It starts
With the unexpected loss
Of something dear 從不知道什麼時候失去喜愛的事物開始
The warmth
That comforted and cradled
Just disappears 那溫柔和舒適的港灣也消失不見

And in its place there's nothing 變成什麼都沒有
Just an endless empty hole 只剩下無盡的空殼
The light that showed the way is gone 前路黯淡無光
And darkness takes control 黑暗成為主宰
Bitterness and anger 痛苦和憤怒
Are quick to fill the void 快速填滿了這空殼
The path to isolation 孤獨的道路上
Is littered with the dreams that lay destroyed 散落了一個個破碎的夢想

The cold
Seems to grow in my soul 冰冷在靈魂裡滋生
It's consuming me 一直磨滅著我意志
Confused 迷惘
And I'm losing myself


In the storm 我在暴風中失去自我
Growing jaded
Being pushed being pulled 我厭倦了角力拉扯
I'm unraveling 快要破碎了
Can't find myself when I'm 一直被迫循規蹈矩
Constantly forced to conform 讓我失去了自己

Enemies surround me but 我周遭皆是敵人
The worst appear as friends 但沒想到是以朋友姿態出現
Liars and pretenders 騙子和虛偽的人
Only seek to reach their ends 只為達成他們的目的
Everything is breaking 所有事情

Right before my eyes 在我眼前破碎
Looking in the mirror 看著鏡子
I see someone that I don't recognize 我卻認不清自己

The joy
That my heart used to know
Is eluding me 我的心再也感受不到快樂
Removed 放下一切
And the one thing I feel is alone 我只感覺到孤獨

Smile's faded 笑容不再
And I'm spinning and sinking 而我一直在旋轉下沉著
I'm weakening 變得軟弱
Frozen in solitude 我獨自承受冰冷
Loneliness chills to the bone 寒風刺骨 孤寂滲入我心

Memories escaping

As my heart begins to drain 記憶在我心裡消散

Scars that cover wounds 傷口的疤
Can't hide the self-inflicted pain 不能遮蓋心傷
Everything my mind wants
In conflict with my heart 思想和心想相違
Fighting back surrender 我以為我在反抗周遭事情
But every day I'm falling more apart 卻發現這只讓我陷得更深

Mirror what's this thing I see? 魔鏡啊 我看到了什麼?
Who is staring back at me? 是誰在背後凝視我?
A stranger to my heart has filled my mind 我已經猜不透我心中所想
Mirror 魔鏡啊
Help me 幫幫我
Who am I? 我究竟是誰?



    RWBY 歌詞翻譯
    創作者 Kaedee 的頭像


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